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Welcome Baby Girl!

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller5 Comments

We are excited to announce the arrival of a precious baby girl, Desiree Hope Waller. Desiree was born at 6:21pm on 7/19/2024. She weighs 8lbs 2oz and is 21 and 3/4″ long. We have been blessed with a healthy baby and mommy. The name Desiree means desired one and her middle name is Hope for the hope we have as …

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We Are Expecting!

In Family Updates, Ministry Reports by David Waller11 Comments

We have big news at our home! We are excited to announce that baby number five is on the way! We are due late May or early June. We will know a more firm due date once we have an ultrasound. Check out our video announcement: Destiny is 1 Year Old The way God has designed life, we often have …

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Celebration Invitation

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller22 Comments

We would like to invite you to attend the funeral, visitation, and burial services for Rebecca Christine Waller. Join us as we cherish the memories and remember the many ways the Lord blessed us through Rebecca over the past 22 years. May God use these services to comfort one another with the assurance found in Jesus Christ through the salvation …

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Funeral Arrangements Coming

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller8 Comments

Words fail to express the gratitude we have to the Lord and to all of the people He has used to minister to us over the moments we have spent grieving the loss of our sweet Rebecca. Rebecca passed away in a vehicle collision that took place on Wednesday, October 2 at around 8:30am. Rebecca left a profound impact during …

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Family Functions

In Featured, Family Updates by David Waller10 Comments

To say, “time flies” is an understatement of incredible proportions! We have seen so much activity in the past few months and are so blessed with all the Lord has done in our lives. We are excited about the way the year has progressed having set some intentional goals and seeing steady progress already to reaching those goals. We just …

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November Happenings

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller5 Comments

Recently we had the privilege of going down to Florida for a week of prison ministry followed by a week of time with family. God blessed the entire time with so many fun activities and special memories. Dad Keller graciously picked us up at the airport even though it was a two hour drive to get us. We got to …

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Destiny is 1 Week Old – Pictures

In Featured, Family Updates by David Waller12 Comments

Today, Destiny Faith Waller is one week old! Every day is a new day to celebrate the precious life the Lord has entrusted to us! We are so blessed to hold this little girl in our arms and look into her beautiful eyes! Each moment is a gift from God. A friend of ours brought us a beautiful dinner and …

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Destiny Faith is Here!

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller24 Comments

Today we welcomed our fourth child in our family! A little precious girl whom we named Destiny Faith. She was born on October 2nd at 10:53am weighing 8lbs 5oz and is 22.25 inches long. The name Destiny was chosen with the desire that she would grow up considering the destiny of millions of people who need to turn their lives …

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Surprise Visit

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller5 Comments

Last Sunday, on our way to church we had surprise guests waiting for us at our church– Josh and Anna Duggar and their children. Of course, the children absolutely love spending time with their cousins. Davia and Meredith had so much fun with each other as they “dressed up” and “played house.” The children also enjoyed hanging out in the …

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Baby Shower

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller9 Comments

On Sunday afternoon, our precious church family threw a very kind and generous baby shower. Children are a blessing from the Lord, and it was so touching to see so many celebrate the soon arrival of our precious little girl. Our family has been so cared for and loved by our church family and it is evidenced in so many …