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Do You Pass the Running Tests?

In Family Updates by David Waller8 Comments

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” Two years ago, I had the privilege of running a marathon. I learned several valuable lessons one beautiful …

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Baby On The Way!!!

In Family Updates, Featured, Photo Galleries by David Waller78 Comments

One of the most precious earthly gifts has been entrusted to us—A child! We are so excited to be expecting our first little one and are praising the Lord for the gift of life. Children really belong to the Lord, but they are entrusted to us for a time. Questions are buzzing through our minds as we seek the Lord …

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Traveling to Oklahoma City!

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller6 Comments

One of the most precious privileges has been the opportunity to travel and serve together with my best friend. We have committed to go everywhere we can together, especially in our first year of marriage and we do not regret it at all! While visiting with Josh and Anna, we had some very special time working on some writing projects. …

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Family Reunion Fun!

In Family Updates, Featured, Video by David Waller8 Comments

One of the blessings of being in a large family is that there is seldom a dull moment! There are so many ways to have fun and most of them cost little to nothing. Times as a family are a blast!             David’s brother and sister-in-law Adam and Valerie drove up to the Family Reunion with …

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22 Mile Bike Ride Into Chicago

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller1 Comment

One of the things we have learned from our parent’s wise example is the importance of setting aside time to be together on a regular basis. Unfortunately, with the incredible amount of activity at times, our regular Thursday evening “Date Night” has to reschedule to another time. This week was one of those weeks. We had several important ministry opportunies …