Family Camping Trip

In Featured by David Waller12 Comments

For our family, camping is always memorable. Thankfully, for us, all of our memorable moments were really good ones this time. However, in preparation for the camping we often anticipate the worst to happen and pack enough things to make even difficult circumstances pleasant. On this particular camping trip, we had no agenda but to rest, spend time as a family and enjoy being together for nearly a week–what a treat!

The trip started off with a nice five hour drive north stopping a few times to fill up on fuel as we advanced toward Sulphur, Oklahoma. Paul and Davia took some time with Priscilla to run around at a fuel stop and found a big bison statue to climb on for a picture.

We enjoyed a stop at Pizza Hut on the way with a few of David’s siblings who rode in the van with us. 

We finally arrived and Paul, Davia and Phillip seemed so happy to be with Grandpa and Grandma Waller along with their cousins.

One of Paul and Davia’s favorite activities was watching Grandpa build a fire and cook over it.

Grandma enjoyed the children’s fascination over selfies

Little Niagara Falls

On one of the days we decided it would be fun to explore some falls that were local. There was a stream that had a series of rapids and water falls. While grandparents were watching our kiddos during nap time, we waded, swam and floated downstream.

Because of the rather cool temperature of the spring fed stream, it took a little persuading to get us all in.

Once we got going, it was a bunch of fun.

We all sat on a log that had fallen over the stream taking a moment to warm up. Even though it was in the mid 90 degrees, the cool water had a few people shivering. 

In the evenings we enjoyed Bible time and singing hymns together.  What special times!

Each of the aunts and uncles seemed to make time to invest in Paul, Davia and Phillip.

Of course we made time for lots of fun too. Playing board games, football, swimming, etc.

Each evening one of the ladies was responsible to make the meal. This allowed the challenges of food preparation to be shared, thus, allowing many to carry the load so it did not all go on one person.

Phillip was such a happy camper.

Davia kept us laughing. She somehow sat down in the mixing bowl. Thankfully it was empty.

“Daddy, can you help me with my shoes?”

Jiffy Pop popcorn over a fire was an intriguing thing for us to try. David’s dad told us that it has been around for many years though it was a first for most of us to see.

We brought a few bicycles that the children enjoyed sharing.


Of course our children’s favorite thing about a campfire is roasting marshmallows and making Smores!

To top off the whole week, we took a family picture. David’s whole family with the exception of one married sister who live in Canada, were able to be together.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).


  1. so excited to see a new post!! how wonderful to spend the time with family & just unwind and unplug. the kiddos are getting so big (and more adorable). thank you for sharing

    1. Why were only the ladies responsible for a meal. When my family vacations together we say, a particular couple or family is responsible. My husband would shuck corn and peel potatoes, while I started the main course, or seasoned the meat he would grill. I would prepare a salad while he grilled.

      1. Because they obviously prefer to do meal prep this way. Nothing wrong with their choice, just as nothing wrong with yours.


  3. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos. It looks like a good time was had by all.

  4. The Waller’s sure know how to make fun memories! Looks like y’all had a great time!

  5. Thank you for sharing your fun, family time! I really look forward to your posts. They uplift me and encourage me as a wife and mother. I know life gets super busy and there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I appreciate the time you invest in creating these posts and sharing your life with us. It is definitely a ministry that I benefit from! May God richly bless you as you continue to serve! Much love and many thanks!

  6. David, how old are your youngest sisters? You have a really lovely family! 🙂

  7. Camping is hard work when you have little ones but it build so many opportunities to build Happy Christ centered memories ! Thank you for sharing !

  8. Such a good point about getting unplugged. Hey, would love it if, at some time, you interviewed your mothers (David’s and Pricilla’s), to offer encouragement to OLDER moms/wives who either came to Christ later, or who just need some insight on being Godly wives and/or mothers later in their years than women who were raised in a strong Christian home. We can’t go back and change our lack of foundation, but would love to make as much progress now, later in our years, as we possibly can (I’m in my 50s and just feel so shaky as a first generation Christian who came to Christ much later than most). Please consider this. What a sweet family and WONDERFUL example you all are to others. Blessings, Annette

  9. When are U guys going to put out another blog?? Is Facebook better, then the blog??? I would like to see how your kids, are doing!!!!

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