On July 13th, life changed for David’s dad. He took a fall that landed him in the ICU unit in Minnesota due to the impact from the fall causing bleeding on the brain. Thankfully, he was able to sustain the injury and recover. While we knew there was something not quite right, due to his fall, we were able to have some very skilled medical attention pinpoint and diagnose him with either PSP or PLS. Neither of these conditions are reversible or treatable, but they are conditions that can be lived with. While we wanted to immediately drop everything and go to be with David’s parents, we also were due with our precious Desiree Hope. This made it all that much more meaningful that we were blessed to be able to go visit him with the whole family.

Seeing and enjoying time with David’s parents was very special in deed. Life has changed, but in many ways there are aspects that are very much the same and for that we are so grateful.

Opportunities to assist David’s dad to and from medical check ups were also opportunities to get lunch or dinner together. David’s dad uses a gait belt allowing some aspects of mobility safely while he navigates momentary balance loss at times that are very unpredictable.
Desiree got to spend some good time with her grandpa as well as uncle Matt. David got a chance to build a handicap accessible ramp inside the garage making four season transportation easier.

At times, we step back and marvel that we have seven precious children. We both come from large families, but when you pause to look a picture or our own, it causes our heart to rejoice in the goodness of God.
David and His parents were also able to visit David’s sister Rebecca’s gravesite while there. It was the first time back for David since the gravestone had been set.

Mealtimes are always a wonderful time to connect with family. David’s brother Derrick and Sister Sarah and brother-in-law Brandon were able to stop by for dinner. These are moments we will treasure for years to come. Family is such a blessing from the Lord.
So great to hear an update about your family! You and Priscilla continue to be an encouragement to me! God bless you!
I was so sorry to hear about Father’s recent fall and diagnosis. I can only imagine how tough this time must be for him and his loved ones. Please know that you’re all in n my thoughts,