We are excited to announce the arrival of a precious baby girl, Desiree Hope Waller. Desiree was born at 6:21pm on 7/19/2024. She weighs 8lbs 2oz and is 21 and 3/4″ long. We have been blessed with a healthy baby and mommy. The name Desiree means desired one and her middle name is Hope for the hope we have as …
Ten Happy Years
Ten years ago, on February 4, 2012 I married my best friend and the happily ever after has continued to grow, blossom and expand. As we look back over the last ten years, it is amazing to think of the multitude of blessings that the Lord has poured out upon us with six amazing children, a beautiful home, a loving …
Introducing Deborah Joy!
We are so thrilled to announce the arrival of Deborah Joy Waller at 2:46am, on Jan. 19, 2022 weighing 7lbs. 5oz and 20.5″ long. The birth went amazingly well and we are so grateful for the prayer, love and support that so many have given to us during the process of our daughter’s arrival.
Baby Shower
This past weekend, our family and friends from church put on a church baby shower. It was first-class decorations and the food was amazing! The demonstration of Christ’s love from so many amazing people left us speechless. Some people might say, “Why a shower if it is not your first child?” While many families have a shower for their first …
Merry Christmas!
So much has happened in the past few months that not only have we not taken the time to blog about it, but we have had very little time for anything. Let me recount a few of the ways God has been working in our lives. Rebecca Oct. 2nd will forever live in my memory as a day of great …
One Week Old
It is amazing to realize that one week ago today, Peter David was born. We chose the name Peter because of the disciple of Jesus named Peter who was one of the first to declare Jesus as the Messiah. He was a man who was quick to come to recognize and proclaim the title that Jesus deserved–“Thou art the Christ!” …
He’s Here!
God has blessed us with a little boy born today, May 6th at 9:07 A.M. His name is Peter David Waller. He weighs 9lbs, 0oz and is 22 & 3/4 inches long. Priscilla and Peter are doing well. Thank you for your prayer!
Family Time
Has anyone had some extra time at home or with family lately? Most people’s schedules and plans this month have been affected by efforts to avoid the spreading of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Because of this, many now get to experience unanticipated time together as a family — so let’s make it count! If that includes you, here are some ways to make that family time meaningful for eternity: 1. Pray. Gather your children and intercede …
Family Wedding
Last weekend, we went down to Florida for a very special occasion– Susanna and York’s wedding celebration. Priscilla’s youngest sister Susanna Keller married York Bridges and we joined the family to celebrate their special day. Taking time to be with family is a blessing. Wedding celebrations are great times for extended family to gather with immediate family and friends and …
Zambia Adventures
So many people only dream of getting to travel to distant lands to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our family is overwhelmed by the blessings that God has poured out to enable us to take a trip to Africa to visit family and to see the way God is using them to share the Gospel. In our own …