Baby On The Way!!!

In Family Updates, Featured, Photo Galleries by David Waller78 Comments

One of the most precious earthly gifts has been entrusted to us—A child! We are so excited to be expecting our first little one and are praising the Lord for the gift of life. Children really belong to the Lord, but they are entrusted to us for a time.

Questions are buzzing through our minds as we seek the Lord about what we should name it, how we need to prepare, and what it means to be good parents. We are so blessed to have been raised by parents who love the Lord and did their best to raise us in a way that pleases God. In essence, the fact that Priscilla is alive today is a miracle, being that she was born premature and had to be kept at the hospital for some time after her birth. Her parents were strongly advised not to have her because the child right before her was born with spina bifida. Today, you would never know anything of it because health and ability is unhindered.

Following David’s arrival, there were five healthy siblings born, but his mom also had four miscarriages as well. Two of the precious babies miscarried were right after David. David is fifth born and if his parents succumbed to the pressure of the day and only had four children, life would be totally different. We are so grateful that they viewed children as a blessing and not as a burden.

Regardless of what the Lord brings to us, we are super excited because we know that life is a miracle and we are grateful to have a part in raising this little one to love Jesus. Watch David’s excitement on the day we found out we were expecting!


Pictures of David & Priscilla Growing Up:


  1. Congratulations to you both! My prayers are with you during this exciting time. May the Lord bless you and keep you and may he make His face to shine upon you. This is truly a remarkable gift and cause to rejoice!

  2. We are so pleased for you both and are rejoicing with you! We’ll be praying for you in the days ahead and are excited to see all that the Lord has in store. Thank you both for the blessing your lives are to the Kingdom of God!
    Dave and Liz Carey (Northern Indiana)

  3. Rejoicing with you. Thank you for sharing the blessing of God with those who care about you.

  4. WOW!!!! So happy for you both you are going to make GREAT parents!!!
    Grace and Peace,
    The Chambers

  5. Wow! Congratulations to you both! This is such amazing news and I am so excited that you chose to share it with us. I’ll be praying for the health of Mommy and Baby! And for wisdom for you, David! God bless you both. Such great news!

  6. I am filled with great joy for you both! What wonderful news and what a beautiful way in which to share that news with the one you love. Your walk through life and love has been deeply encouraging and inspirational. You set the upmost example in the joy and blessing of true purity; and are a radiant light for Jesus in this deteriorating world. My prayers are with you for a safe pregnancy.
    Praise be to our God, our Lord and our Saviour for the miracle of life, the joy that children bring and the blessing that they are for a lifetime xx

  7. YAAAAAAAAAA!!! I am so happy for you guys and we will be praying for you as you enter this new and exciting stage in your lives!

  8. that is so awesome thank you for sharing it on your website, it was a blessing to see your beautiful wedding and now to see that you are expecting wow! God bless you guys you will be great parents!

  9. Congratulations! David – my mom just told me yesterday you were married and I promptly looked up your website. I was so surprised to hear it and have greatly enjoyed reading the story of the leading of your two lives together! God is faithful! I am living up i Canada now with my husband of one year, and we have been greatly blessed with the birth of our first child, a little girl, just three weeks ago. Being parents is awesome, and we wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Rich blessings to the two of you as you look forward to yet another new chapter in life!

    In Christ’s love,
    Andrea (Herrlinger) Maendel

  10. Congratulations, David and Priscilla! Truly, children are a wonderful blessing from the Lord. Praying that the Lord will give you a safe and healthy pregnancy.

  11. Congrats! Being a parent is one of the most rewarding gifts the Lord lets us experience. I loved the video… but lets hear from Priscilla now! I bet she’s just glowing with excitement! (;

    God Bless & I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!

  12. Congratulations! Praise the Lord. So exciting, and what a neat way to break the news, Priscilla! Will be praying for you and baby!

  13. Congrats you two! This is such exciting news and I know that the Lord has great plans for you both and for your little blessing as well. As we prepare for the upcoming birth of our 6th precious gift (in just 4 weeks) I look back and can’t imagine having said “no more” after any of them. I’m always so excited to hear baby news from anyone! You two will be wonderful parents I’m sure!

  14. Wow! Congrats! I just found your website today and was greeted with this wonderful news. 🙂

  15. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing from the Lord! I will be praying for you as you enter this new and exciting part of life!

  16. AWWWWW! How exciting! You guys will make marvelous parents! THe Normomoyles will be praying GOd’s best on this pregnancy.
    The Normoyles

  17. Congratulations i have been hoping that i would soon see this update from you both, i hope priscilla has an easy pregnancy and is full of health, strength and happiness. Congratulations once again can not wait to hear more news

  18. Thank you for sharing your joy and excitement with us. How exciting for your families. May the Lord bless you with wisdom as you begin training up His precious gift! Praying for all 3 of you 🙂

  19. Oh my!!! Overjoyed!! I am so happy for the two of you!! I pray for an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy baby! Thank you for sharing the news of your little miracle!

  20. GOD Bless you .are you trusting the lord on how many kids you far along are you

  21. That is so exciting! I am a big fan of the Duggar and now your family! I think if its a girl you should name it Lynsey since you found out on my birthday!

  22. Congratulations on the new marriage and the new baby…it’s nice you got married but why did you put your wedding on TLC? In my opinion, the Kellers already suffered from a lack of privacy at Josh and Anna’s wedding, and I’m sure that many involved looked forward to not dealing with that again. Anna was marrying Josh, so of course their wedding would be televised, but I don’t really see why yours was..was it just to get comped for a big wedding? Each to his own I guess, but it just didn’t seem fair to many involved (including the two of you in some ways).

    1. Rebekah, I do not mean to show you disrespect even though your comment was extremely disrespectful. What David & Priscilla do in their lives, regardless of it being private or public is THEIR decision and not for anyone to judge. How do you know who suffered what at whom’s wedding? Do you know them personally? Did they confide in you personally? Words can be such hurtful weapons, but people like David & Priscilla will not respond negatively to your negativity. They are a God loving couple and many are thankful and blessed to witness their love and faith in the Lord. You last sentence explains your negativity…envy. Perhaps you would benefit from knowing the Bible and our Lord better?! We’ll all pray for you. This site is called “David loves Priscilla” … let’s keep it loving please.

  23. Congratulations David and Priscilla! How exciting! Thanks for sharing ya’lls joy and excitement with us. You both are going to be GREAT parents!!! What a lucky child to have parents like ya’ll!!! I will be praying for you both and for Priscilla to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery! God Bless you guys! Keep lookinng up!
    Don’t Quit on the Lord!
    Catherine K ( A BIG FAN ) 🙂

    1. Wow! Praise the Lord, this is exciting news, God bless you as He expands your ministry!

  24. Congratulations!!!! I wish you both the very best. You guys are going to be great parents! I loved your wedding and I thank you for sharing the great news with us! God bless you and your family!

  25. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you both. May God bless you and your growing family!

  26. Congratulations!!!!! SOOOOOO SUPER excited for ya’ll!!!! I will definitly be praying for good health for mom and baby!

  27. Congrats what lovely news! Celebrate the Lords best for your little family. I pray that tlc gives you a show also so we can see this little ones birth how exciting best of luck xx

  28. Congratulations to you both! I have been checking your site periodically after your wedding to see if any baby announcements had been made, and here it is! I am so excited for you both, and pray endlessly for a safe, healthy pregnancy and delivery.

  29. Congrats! I knew it wouldn’t be long… 🙂 You all love each other very much! And it’s a blessing to see! I hope all turns out well, and pray for a good pregnancy and healthy baby 🙂 I bet you are in shock! I know I was when I saw this post… but am very excited for you both. Your life will never be the same! Blessings to you in this new season of life! -Tina Mother of 2.

  30. Hi David and Priscilla! You might not remember, but my family and I met both of you during your separate trips down to Malaysia for the Basic Seminar and ATI Conference in 2010. Just got to know that you guys were married yesterday and found your site today. Both your lives are radiant displays of God’s greatness and love… Simply overjoyed at the news and can’t wait for more updates! Thanks be to God for this great blessing and may there be many more to come! Keeping all three of you in our prayers!

  31. first off. congratulations. pregnancy is a wonderful things. you are brining on the NEXT generation. and thank you for choosing to be pro-life.

    2nd. don’t worry about miscarraiages or any things else (like disorders). your child will be perfect just they way it is. it is created in the image and likeness of GOD, it’s creator

  32. Will you be finding out the gender of your baby? I know friends in various religions who have left it a surprise until the baby was born and then had a naming ceremony including a blessing. Another couple I know chose to wait because they said there are few surprises left and this is a surprise they could wait for.

    1. Author

      Sounds like some great ideas! We are looking forward to finding out and as soon as we know something we will definately pass the word along via our website. Stay tuned!!! .-)

  33. Many congratulations to you both. I’m sure you willbe wonderful parents. I found your website via the Duggar’s website or it could have been Josh and Anna’s. Your wedding was beautiful. Love and blessings xxxxx

  34. God bless the Wallers! So incredibly happy for you. Watched your wedding recently ( which was an absolute joy). It is wonderful to see a couple who puts God first in their lives and walks the walk! Much love to both of you! Mindy.

  35. Congratulations again you two! Thanks for sharing with us earlier at the cabin! You both will make awesome parents! Keep us updated! Luv ya! Al and Bev

  36. Such wonderful news, congratulations…at 24 and my husband 26, We are expecting our 4th baby at the end of Feb, so will be praying we both have safe deliveries, and healthy babies!!

    Good Luck and keep in touch : )

    God Bless

  37. Priscilla I just saw this post and I wanted to say Congratulations!!! Miss seeing your smiling face at church. So happy for the both of you and will be praying for you and baby.

  38. I just thought of something: what a blessing for Priscilla to have so many Godly and wise mothers that she can turn to for advice. Carrying and birthing a first child can be scary for a first time mommy. Even if she’s been around other women, it’s different when it’s your own. May God bring the wisdom you need no sooner than you need it! You both are going to be great, loving, and Godly parents. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for your family!

  39. Congratulations David and Priscilla!

    I will be praying for Priscilla and the baby.

    I hope all goes well 🙂

    Love, Cassidy

  40. Is there a letter in mind that you are going to name your precious child! I am excited for both of you!
    Congrats! 🙂

  41. Congrats Priscilla and David! There is one thing about this blog post that confuses me though. Was Priscilla’s older sibling born with Spina Bifida or was the baby born before her in the hospital born with Spina Bifida? While I’m pro-life in all cases, as a woman with Spina Bifida, it is especially troubling to hear that mothers are told abort or abandon their babies with Spina Bifida and other birth defects. Even babies that are not expected to live should be loved, but thanks to medical advances, children and adults with Spina Bifida can lead very productive lives serving God and His children.

  42. Just seen your Australia update and saw how far through the pregnancy she was and realised I forgot to congratulate you on it!

    So congratulations and I hope mummy and baby stay happy, healthy and holy throughout the pregnancy! 😉

    My blessings and love to all three of you!

    Let the Lord watch over you,


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