Baby Shower

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller9 Comments

On Sunday afternoon, our precious church family threw a very kind and generous baby shower. Children are a blessing from the Lord, and it was so touching to see so many celebrate the soon arrival of our precious little girl.

Our family has been so cared for and loved by our church family and it is evidenced in so many ways! We are very blessed!

So many brought delicious snacks and treats that we all enjoyed

Davia eyed many of the delicious treats. However, one of the items looked yummy, but once you got closer the realization set in that the cake was actually diapers.

Everyone gathered around and had a wonderful time of fellowship.

The gifts truly overwhelmed us with gratefulness as we witnessed the generosity of so many dear friends.

Some of the older ladies of the church made blankets. It was so sweet to see how much time and effort they had poured into these beautiful gifts that we look forward to using for our little winter baby.

One of the guys from the church who is a great blessing to all of us is pictured with David

David’s brother and his family came as well. Several coworkers of David’s came also.

The older ladies of the church worked so hard and everything was so cute!

Phillip loved the action and may have been thinking the whole party was for him. 🙂

Many brought some of the most practical of gifts such as diapers and wipes while others added other types of gifts.

Phillip tore the wrapping paper off with excitement. I think everyone enjoyed watching his face with each package.

One of the ladies helped with all of the notes on who gave what while the other one kept the gifts coming at a steady pace.

Phillip was persistently helping with every aspect of opening gifts, carrying gifts, giving a hug to the one who gave the gift, etc.

Check out this beautiful handmade blanket! 

A beautiful piece of framed art.

Phillip happily carrying back a package of diapers.

A beautiful handmade quilt that one of the ladies of the church made.

Many of the families of the church also went together on a more expensive and important gift.

A beautiful brand-new infant car seat!

David, standing next to Pastor and Mrs. Weaver with Davia giving hugs of gratitude.

Check out this low calorie item on the line. Very sweet of the ladies to work so hard to put this all together.

Nursing Home Outreach

Today, we had the special opportunity to visit a local nursing home. As people began gathering for dinner, we ushered them in with the children singing a growing repertoire of songs and hymns that they are learning interspersed with quoting Bible verses. This was the first time we did an outreach like this with almost exclusively our little family. 

Phillip insisted on adding his part. Even though his mic was off and he does not carry a tune yet, his enthusiasm made the day for several of the folks.

Priscilla explained the Gospel using an object lesson. Lately, the Lord has prompted us to ministry as a family. Sometimes it feels easier to “do more” without the little one’s involvement. However, we have sensed the importance of ministering, not in spite of our children, but through our children.


  1. Priscilla & David, Your doing a wonderful job parenting. I see Phillip has an outgoing personality at such a young age. Thanks for sharing; I love seeing your precious family grow.

  2. Priscilla you have such generous and loving church members. Phillip is a little helper. God Bless you and your family.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  3. That’s awesome! That was so very sweet of y’all’s church family!! Y’all are so very blessed. I look up too y’all so much. Even though I don’t know y’all personally, y’all seem like a very Godly couple. Y’all’s love for the Lord really shines thru y’all. I love watching y’all’s YouTube videos.

  4. Phillip is a ham!! So cute! It was so good to see everyone coming together to celebrate your newest little blessing. Praying for a safe delivery for momma and baby. I look forward to these updates on your family and appreciate so much you sharing. Priscilla, especially, has touched my heart as a fellow wife and mother. May the beauty of Lord be upon you and establish the work of your hands!! Psalm 90:17

  5. Wow, what a wonderful baby shower, you guys are truly blessed with a wonderful church family. The quilt and blanket are so beautiful! How generous they are. And the car seat. Wow. 🙂

  6. God is very good all the time what beautiful blessings.I was just blessed with the gift of much needed cash from my dad God truly provides all of our needs

  7. U GUYS LOOK, SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!!!!! 100%%%%%!!!

  8. Your family is just beautiful ! May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.

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