This weekend, we returned from a trip to Northwest Arkansas where we enjoyed a family-focused time away. Priscilla, Davia and Phillip took some time with Priscilla’s sister, while David spent some time with Paul at a father and son men’s camp. We drove up together and relished each moment knowing we would be apart for the longest time yet since we got married–two days :-).
We pulled up to Fort Rock Family Camp and enjoyed the beautiful location situated up on a hill overlooking a valley off the Pig Trail Highway in Combs, Arkansas.
Paul did not waste any time in finding his cousins, Marcus and Micheal. The cousins were nearly inseparable the whole weekend.
Paul and Marcus are especially close in age and interests. They both had some doting uncles who gave them some candy. They enjoyed it during the outdoor session teaching on the importance of our outlook on life.
Paul and Marcus fed off of each other for confidence, especially when it came time for Paul to try new things such as the 120′ slide.
One of Paul’s favorite times was when he got to go with his daddy to the shooting range and shoot a 22. He was so proud of being able to hit one of the tin cans that was set up as a target.
Another highlight for Paul was riding horses. He was so happy to be in the saddle with Marcus, his cousin.
In the main courtyard was a fire pit and a pretend cannon. Paul and Marcus enjoyed pretending to be soldiers.
David and Paul also enjoyed going together on a trail ride through the woods.
The Zip Line

To the amazement of his parents, Paul enjoyed going on a zip line that took him over the lake. It was a very impressive, fast, and high zip line, but not high enough to keep a guy in the boat on the lake from soaking people who came down with a super-soaker water gun.
Paul even got to go down with two other small guys including his cousin Marcus.
David enjoyed having the opportunity to share a message with the whole group. He preached on living life in light of eternity and shared the story of how his brother passed away at 25 years of age causing 19 year old David to really analyze how he spent the next six years of his life.
Team Challenges
Throughout each morning the team was given an obstacle or challenge to try to figure out. Here David and Paul’s team were to see how many guys could fit on a three foot cube with just five minutes to stack everyone on there. They managed to fit 24 people.
Following the obstacle or challenge, a Bible story was shared that was a parallel to the challenge and opportunity was given for each one to add their insight.
The children were asked many questions to help gauge their comprehension and clarify the teaching points.
One of the other challenges was to line up all 26 of us on a log and then see how many people we could move from one end of the log to the other end of the log without anyone falling off. We did successfully do it, but it was mostly handing little children down the line of bigger guys.
We then talked about the twelve spies that went over the river Jordan to spy out the Promised Land. Only two had an outlook based on the power of God. The importance of our outlook was emphasized.
Many special memories will be long remembered of our time together. What a blessing to love and serve the Lord together!
It was such an encouragement to see so many father’s investing in the lives of their sons.
Girls’ Weekend
While the guys were busy at the Father and Son Men’s Camp the ladies had fun as well.
MacKynzie has been learning how to cook and bake various treats. Priscilla and Anna enjoyed helping coach her.
Davia and Meredith had fun sampling the things that MacKynzie made for a tea party they had together.
Sister time is always so special, especially as Priscilla and Anna were able to enjoy such quality time together as mothers.
What fun everyone must have had and memories made that will last a lifetime! Paul was very brave to try the slide and zip line. Family time is so important.
Thank You for this interesting and informative post. Paul and David look so happy and enjoying time with Marcus. MacKynzie looks like a little homemaker. Anna and Priscilla are having a good time baking and helping MacKynie. Lovely families. God Bless all.
Marion and Marilyn
David, what a wonderful father/son time, and instructive, too! I loved reading about the lesson given to the children connecting the outlook of the two spies with the importance of our outlook. Wish I could hear more of these lessons. Even your shortened version gives a lot to think about.
Awesome memories! I heard an Amish man say once that love is spelled
t-i-m-e. And while I think love is a lot more than that, I also think that in the present culture, the gift of time has been lost. The time God gives us on earth is a precious commodity. It is so good to see all these daddies spending time with their boys! Thanks for sharing! I look forward to future posts. God bless your sweet family!
Looks like a good time! Your family’s grow a lot since I last saw you!