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Christmas in Florida

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller3 Comments

Each year we trade spending Christmas with one side of the family and Thanksgiving with the other side of the family. This year, it was time for us to spend Christmas with Mom and Dad Keller. Deck Project As a Christmas gift to mom and dad Keller, the children pulled together to make two porches. Of course the front porch …

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Family Update

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller8 Comments

Time seems only to become more full as the children grow and our schedules get busier. Life is filled to the brim and overflowing. We are long overdo to update our family and friends on our blog about the happenings in our life. Here are a few recent events of mention: Family Camp David’s work recently put on a Family …

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Family Camping Trip

In Featured by David Waller12 Comments

For our family, camping is always memorable. Thankfully, for us, all of our memorable moments were really good ones this time. However, in preparation for the camping we often anticipate the worst to happen and pack enough things to make even difficult circumstances pleasant. On this particular camping trip, we had no agenda but to rest, spend time as a …

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Mother’s Day Surprise

In Featured by David Waller12 Comments

Mother’s day weekend was filled with fun and special times together as a family, but for mom Keller, it was a huge surprise. Everyone enjoys a pleasant surprise once in a while. For the Kellers, they had never been able to successfully pull off a surprise family reunion. This year, several of Priscilla’s siblings got together and planned a way for …

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House Make-Over

In Featured, Photo Galleries by David Waller17 Comments

Every house has a story to be told. The house the Lord has blessed us with has with it a special story with each piece. May, a year ago, we moved into the beautiful home that God provided for us. However, there were many projects that had to be done before we would even consider moving in. Now a year …

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Happy Easter!

In Featured by David Waller5 Comments

Easter is right around the corner and with that in mind we thought we would take a minute and mention some of the ways we enjoy celebrating this wonderful holiday as well as include a little greeting that we recorded on our date night. We all have traditions and we are trying to establish ones we would love for our …

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Paul’s 4th Birthday

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller7 Comments

You know you have been busy when several months slips away before we take time to record the special memories. Paul’s fourth birthday was certainly a lot of fun especially as we celebrated it down in Florida. Priscilla’s sister, Susanna always seems to outdo herself with each special event. She made Paul feel so special by throwing a cowboy/farmer themed …

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In Featured, Photo Galleries by David Waller7 Comments

Our first visit to Australia happened four years ago. So many precious memories were made then that we hoped we could share with our children through this visit. Wow! We not only did just that, but made a host of new memories and friends. Travel can be a real fun challenge with three little ones three and under. Then add …

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Family Photo Shoot

In Family Updates, Featured, Photo Galleries by David Waller13 Comments

Time flies by so fast these days! Our family has been very busy and thus it has been hard to keep up with everything. Our children are growing up so quickly and photos are one of the ways that help freeze some special memories so we can continue to enjoy those moments for years to come.

Happy Thanksgiving!

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller1 Comment

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reflect on all the things we have for which to be grateful to God and also those who have invested in our lives. This Thanksgiving, our family had the opportunity to see each of Priscilla’s seven siblings. However, to do so we traveled from our home in Texas to Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and southern …