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We Are Expecting!

In Family Updates, Ministry Reports by David Waller11 Comments

We have big news at our home! We are excited to announce that baby number five is on the way! We are due late May or early June. We will know a more firm due date once we have an ultrasound. Check out our video announcement: Destiny is 1 Year Old The way God has designed life, we often have …

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5,500 Miles

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller7 Comments

Since the very beginning of our marriage, travel has been a significant part of our lives while in ministry. We count it a great privilege knowing that not everyone gets to travel and few are able to travel as much as we do. We praise the Lord for the many miles that we have driven over the past many years …

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Baby Shower

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller9 Comments

On Sunday afternoon, our precious church family threw a very kind and generous baby shower. Children are a blessing from the Lord, and it was so touching to see so many celebrate the soon arrival of our precious little girl. Our family has been so cared for and loved by our church family and it is evidenced in so many …

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Family Update

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller8 Comments

Time seems only to become more full as the children grow and our schedules get busier. Life is filled to the brim and overflowing. We are long overdo to update our family and friends on our blog about the happenings in our life. Here are a few recent events of mention: Family Camp David’s work recently put on a Family …

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Paul’s 4th Birthday

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller7 Comments

You know you have been busy when several months slips away before we take time to record the special memories. Paul’s fourth birthday was certainly a lot of fun especially as we celebrated it down in Florida. Priscilla’s sister, Susanna always seems to outdo herself with each special event. She made Paul feel so special by throwing a cowboy/farmer themed …

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Home At Last!

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller7 Comments

After 90 days on the road traveling over 20,000 miles with 43 meetings spread across the United States and even into Canada, we are happy to be home. The trip was packed with wonderful adventure, great fellowship with families, and many messages of hope and encouragement. There are simply too many fun pictures and wonderful memories to recap them all here. But …

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On the Road!

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller7 Comments

Well folks, we are still out and on the road. In the past six weeks we have traveled around 13,000 miles and have had 26 Family Connection meetings as well as a week long Conference and a few church services. We still have five more weeks until we are home, so if you are on the East Coast, check out and …

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4th of July in California

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller6 Comments

This year we were privileged to celebrate the Fourth of July in California. We were in California primarily for a Family Conference, but because the holiday was simply the  set-up day for the event, we took the evening to celebrate the festivities. Paul and Davia enjoyed the sparklers so much while waiting for the big display over the California Expo! We also had …

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April Happenings!

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports, Photo Galleries by David Waller9 Comments

So much has happened this April and we just have not taken the time to capture it all on our blog. Here are a few of the top highlights! Congratulations Derrick and Jennifer! One of David’s older brothers, Derrick was thrilled to hear a “Yes” from Jennifer Wilkes when he asked her to marry him on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Jennifer …