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Will You Take the Plunge?

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller1 Comment

[box] “My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand …

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22 Mile Bike Ride Into Chicago

In Family Updates, Featured by David Waller1 Comment

One of the things we have learned from our parent’s wise example is the importance of setting aside time to be together on a regular basis. Unfortunately, with the incredible amount of activity at times, our regular Thursday evening “Date Night” has to reschedule to another time. This week was one of those weeks. We had several important ministry opportunies …

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Serving Together!

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller4 Comments

Our primary purpose in coming to Romania was to minister in the Hospital implementing a stress resolution program based on the book, How to Resolve Seven Deadly Stresses. However, God has opened many other doors as well. Working in the hospital we have had the opportunity to hear the challenges and stress of many patients and we have seen the …

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Saving Health to All Nations!

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller3 Comments

Today we passed a milestone in the history of health care in the nation of Romania. Under Dr. Ovidiu and the manager of the municipal hospital of Oradea we conducted a prototype training for ten patients and medical personnel. Afterwords we had the privilege of meeting one-on-one with several of the patients to help them resolve their stress. We found them …

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Taking time to smell the flowers

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller3 Comments

We paused just long enough to smell some beautiful flowers that were seemingly none existent a week ago as we turned the heat down in our home and said good bye for an exciting adventure in Romania. We are excited about all that God may do in these next four weeks. We covet your prayer and look forward to giving …

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Off to Romania!!!

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller3 Comments

On Monday, March 19th, Priscilla and I will depart for the nation of Romania to serve the Lord there for one month. We are excited about the opportunity to work with patients to resolves their stress by apply the truths of God’s Word to their daily lives. The door of opportunity is very great and we feel very inadequate in …