A great vacation does not have to cost a lot of money. It does not even have to consist of weeks away from work. They are not built by exotic locations or special events. A life-changing vacation is based on love and love is demonstrated by giving. I think back to all the times that meant the most to me and they were times where we were able to share our hearts, laugh together, cry together and talk about future plans and goals. It really wasn’t about the food, weather or activities, but about each other.
The last two weekends we have enjoyed spending time away. Over Labor Day weekend our staff met at the Northwoods Conference Center in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for a retreat with the people David works with and enjoyed times of volleyball, sailing, water sports as well as sessions taught by Bill Gothard, who kindly sponsored the staff retreat. The seasons of fellowship were very special and will not soon be forgotten.
David tried his hand at sailing for the first time last year and had fun, but this year he took it to a new level taking groups out for rides. Thanks to a weather front moving in, there was enough wind on the small lake to have a good time.
David tried to wake board for the first time, but after several unsuccessful tries, he went back to his old favorite–water skiing.
After getting nearly warn out with skiing, David went for a final round on the tube with a coworker.
One of our highlights was when a bunch of different staff young people would pick up their instruments and jam together playing some good old hymns of the faith. We especially enjoy the hymns because of the depth of truth conveyed in them that seems so lacking in the modern contemporary choruses. Here is a little clip from one of the evenings:

Down at the campfire on our last night of the staff retreat, Paul and David enjoyed listening to different ones share their highlights of the weekend as well as what they have benefited most from this past year.
Paul’s First Camping Trip
[youtube]http://youtu.be/fkX4-ecFXSU[/youtube] On Friday afternoon, we drove to a State Park not far from our house for a mini camping trip making it Paul’s first night under the stars.
Priscilla had prepared what we call foil dinners and we were in for a treat! She diced three huge potatoes, three carrots, an onion, four cloves of garlic, a small rutabaga, a pound of beef divided into four individual meals which were wrapped twice in foil and placed on hot coals for 10 minutes on a side. Yum!
To top things off, Priscilla had prepared a special surprise to celebrate David’s birthday, complete with a nice gift and a s’more topped with a candle.
On the way home, we even got to see the last half of an air show with some old military planes. It was quite spectacular.
You may hear this over and over, but I don’t think you will ever truly know what a blessing you are to so many families. You see, although it is of utmost importance for parents to take the lead and set the example, it is extremely valuable for young people to have the example of other young people. It makes a huge impact on young ones to be able to see the protection, joy, rewards, and success of young people like the two of you who follow God’s word. Thank you for your wonderful website which is a priceless teaching tool for our children.
Thank you for continuing to share the Waller family adventures. It is a joy and blessing to see you making wonderful memories. Paul is growing up so fast. I love his wide eyed expression. Priscilla, you can help me celebrate my birthday any time! God Bless! Mindy
Happy Birthday David! Have so much fun looking at the pictures!
happy birthday david!!!!
pauls very cute
It’s so neat reading about your life journey as a family. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Happy Birthday!!
Air show and camping!?
That is my kind of paradise vacation!
I so agree with you about vacations!
Due to my husbands job I’ve traveled all over the world. To the places many people boast about being the best. Most of those places you could not pay me enough to re-visit.
My paradise vacation?
The UP of Michigan and Mackinac Island. It is a paradise that only confirms how glorious our Lord is.
I have a question and hope you don’t mind me posting it. 🙂
Does Mr.Gothard preach or give sermons at a local church?
I subscribe to the Daily Success e-mails and they are just so inspiring, I can only imagine what a blessing it would be to hear the author speak in person.
I’m sorta floundering without my home church in Tennessee (for now we are outside of Chicago due to my husbands work).
These days it seems the local fellowship that is targeted towards my age group (18-30) is anything but Godly and seems to be almost a popularity contest of sorts. Who has the coolest “clubhouse” and musical acts.
I do apologize for my novel length comment. 🙂
Thanks Elizabeth for the birthday greeting! To answer your question about hearing Mr. Gothard speak, the best way would be to watch his messages online, since he does not preach at churches much. You can do so by visiting EmbassyInstitute.org. Watch through some of the free media and I know you will be richly blessed.
Thanks ever so much!
The internet can be such a wonderful tool.
Blessings to you and your family,
Foil dinners are the best!
I remember making a foil dessert at camp when I was young; we cut a lengthwise slit in a banana, and stuffed it with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. Wrap it in foil and cook it over the fire. Banana boats I think we called them. Delicious!
If you ever explore the UP further, check out Mackinac Island and the Straits of Mackinac area. My family goes every year. It’s beautiful and relaxing!
Happy birthday David! Just wondering … When is your birthday
David? ( Paul is such a cute baby!!)
God bless, Jen=)
It looks like y’all had a wonderful vacation. Though this is my first time to comment, we read y’all’s blog regularly, and love keeping up with y’all. It was a joy to see y’all briefly at church a few weeks back, and we look forward to when our paths cross again. Y’all are a great encouragement to me, and I pray the Lord will bless y’all as you serve Him together!!
Just another field hand {John 4:35},
It was such a blessing to see you all and it is encouraging to hear from you!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope ya’ll had a fantastic time being together with little Paul. Priscilla, you are always so happy and have a smile on your face. Every time I see a picture of you, your smile shows that you have the joy of the Lord. God bless you all!!!!