We have been wanting to visit Josh and Anna in their new home and see Marcus for quite some time, but it just did not seem to work out. Recently, when we had a free weekend, we made a dash for DC.
We have spent a lot of hours on the road throughout the summer.
Josh Duggar has accepted his new position with Family Research Council and did a fantastic job working behind the scenes to bring the Value Voter Summit to us with great success. Great work Josh and team!
Part of the perk of going was seeing key conservative leaders who have been willing to stand for values we hold dear, such as loving children, supporting the foundation of Biblical marriage, allowing our faith to be freely practiced.
This trip was the first time Priscilla was able to visit Washington DC so each site new and interesting.
With Josh and Anna’s recent move to the DC area it was only a short drive from their home to visit the historic sites. Anna and Priscilla really enjoyed being together as sisters and mommies.
[youtube]http://youtu.be/s9W382PpP0U[/youtube]We took a quick picture with some of the Duggar crew that happened to tag along.
During the weekend that we were there, a government shutdown was in full swing. Protesters were active in removing many of the barricades from around key memorials and some even took them and put them in front of the White House. One happened to be thrown into the lawn so we thought we would pick it up for a little picture to commemorate the occasion.
Fun to see what photography can do to your perspective.
Priscilla and Anna one of the evenings:
[youtube]http://youtu.be/be0Y6eQ9TTw[/youtube] [youtube]http://youtu.be/mhdITbrwOgM[/youtube]It just so happens that Anna’s two states of residence were right next to each other at the World War II Memorial.
Priscilla enjoys remembering the sunshine state when she can. Chicago does not come close to resembling it in any way, especially in Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Pausing by the reflection pool with the Lincoln Memorial in the background, Paul had his eye on where he felt the fun would be.
Anna and Priscilla’s grandpa served in the Korean Conflict and David’s grandfather served in World War II. This photo is at the Vietnam war memorial where thousands of names of those who gave their lives are etched in stone. What a sobering reminder of the cost of the freedom we enjoy.
Here is our touring clan in front of the oldest standing structure in Washington D.C.
As we visited the White House, we were reminded of the urgent need to lift up our leaders and our nation in prayer.
[youtube]http://youtu.be/jCzjH_xJUr4[/youtube]On the way home, we visited some friends in Ohio. They served us a fine lunch and even let us ride their horse.
Horse riding brings back a lot of memories for David as he used to do some training in his earlier days.
With such a big and beautiful paint/quarter horse mix we thought it would be fun to ride double for a nice stroll through the rolling hills of farm country.
Here is a picture of their whole family plus our group of travelers.Paul is certainly growing so much each day. It has been fun to see him enjoying the Fall weather, colors, and decorations.
It looks like you had a wonderful time! I would love to visit DC, there seems like a lot of neat sights to see.
Has the Lord blessed you and Priscilla again? I sure hope so! Baby Paul is just the sweetest boy.
Lots of love to you and your family!
My father served in Viet Nam and I’ve been to the Viet Nam Memorial (The Wall) twice in his honor. It looks to me that Priscilla and Anna are standing in front of Viet Nam Memorial.
The Korean memorial consists of statues and a wall that has etchings of the images of those that fought in the Korean war.
Thank you for the correction! I apologize for the mistake. Anna and Priscilla’s grandpa served in the Korean war. I will make it clear in the post. Thank you for pointing out my mistake made in haste late last night. –David
I’m so glad y’all were able to come to DC for a visit! I love the pictures!! Meeting you at VVS was very special to me…I especially loved seeing little Paul!! Your question at the student mixer brought up something that I didn’t know you had to deal with. I love reading you blog and watching your videos and I’m praying that they truely be a light in this world. God Bless!
Cute! Paul is sooo big now! Good job Priscilla, for finding free pumpkins! My mom would have done the same thing. Maybe my dad????? I know I have a question in almost every comment I leave, but I wanted to know if Priscilla got my homemade postcard? Thank you, and may God bless your week!
As always seeing your blog is such an incredible blessing. Another wonderful example of waiting for God’s match for your life.Thank you for sharing your adventures! Great pictures and Paul is growing up so fast. My favorite was the video of the two sisters just being themselves and “mommy time” together. Loved it when Paul was playing with Priscilla’s hair. I know long hair is a favorite for a baby to grab!
As someone who served during Viet Nam I’ve been to the Viet Nam Memorial 3 times to pay respect to those who died. The wall that Anna and Priscilla are standing in front of is the Viet Nam Memorial.
Thank you so much for serving our country! Thank you also for pointing out my mistake on a late night blogging spree. 🙂
Hi David! Wanted to ask when is Paul’s B-day
His birthday is coming up on March 16. He will be having his first birthday!
Wow, Priscilla is glowing! David you are so blessed to have such a beautiful and loving wife! And mama to Paul!
Looks like fun! I hope we will be able to make it up for the Value Voters Summit in the coming years. We watching many of the sessions and speeches online and really enjoyed it.
I am a huge fan of your wife and yourself and your ministry I was disheartened though that you did not give our President the respect that he deserved by just calling him by his last name…im quite sure when President Bush was in office you did address him as Bush…If we are going to pray for our leaders we need to respect them at least by name even though we may not agree with how they stand on the issues…
I agree with Tammy. While we may not agree with President Obama, we need to still give him the respect as Christians and call him President Obama instead of just “Obama” or Barack.
Just note that it is also quite proper and respectful to call the president Mr. Bush or Mr. Obama. This is an accepted term used by journalists and professors alike. It is also the term that my family and I favor to show respect to the office of the president. We are fortunate to live in a country where we can respect our leaders without exalting them and I am very thankful for this.
Thank you for sharing your lives through these pictures and videos! I so enjoy keeping up with your lovely family – you are a blessing, and a beautiful witness for Him!
The picture of Paul by the pumpkin is so precious! Is Priscilla expecting? I know she has done such a good job of losing her baby weight and I notice the picture of her standing in front of the horse gave away her secret.
We are looking forward to receiving any children that the Lord might give to us but to our knowledge, none are on the way. We love children and look forward to any little blessings God may send
I feel bad I was so sure you had another bundle on the way. I hope God sends a blessing to you soon because I think you are wonderful parents. All in Gods timing. It took my husband and I 12 years to have our first baby and two years later we had our second. I was so happy to have a boy and a girl. Shortly after our second child I had to have a surgery and could no longer have children. I wanted to have more. I love watching other peoples children grow and I just think kids are so special and sweet.
Hey David (: hope u guys had fun in DC
Hi David and Priscilla , I’m an italian boy , this is the second time that i write on you site , i came often on this site becuase i like read your adventures around the world and especially i share your values ( Jesus and Family) , i hope to have a family like yours a day , congratulation and good job!
You are planning a trip to Italy? sorry my english bye bye
What a beautiful and inspirational family you are. DC could really benefit from more of your influence and fine example. So happy to see Josh and Anna Duggar making sacrifices to serve in DC where we surely do need them.
Can Paul stand on his own, yet?
What a fun trip! Priscilla, you are so pretty! I love that red top you are wearing. Glad you guys had fun in D.C. Any plans to visit California anytime soon? You should take Paul to Disneyland! 🙂 Or maybe when he’s a little older 😉
What a sweet and beautiful family!! I see Anna on TLC but are there any updates on Suze?? She is such a wholesome girl. I was just wondering because she and Priscilla were showed on 19 kids and
counting. the Keller’s ‘and the Duggar’s are an inspiration to my myself, and husband and my 6 children. I just pray that I have trained them to follow the lord.
You guys are such a fine example of a nice family. I enjoy that you share my values and exemplify them. My husband and I are trying to have a family ourselves. Children are truly a blessing that too many people take for granted !! Bless you both.
god bless ya’ll hope you have a great year on over and over i’ll keep praying for ya’ll