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In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports, Photo Galleries by David Waller16 Comments

We are so blessed to have the opportunity to travel to the wonderful country of Australia. Our primary purpose in coming is to share at a home school conference. However, we were blessed to take the first few days with David’s Cousin, Luke Waller. He and his three children were a delight to spend time with and we really enjoyed …

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Happy New Year!

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller12 Comments

If your fiancé sent you a letter, would you read it? Only once, or would it be a couple times? God has given us His love letter–The Bible. Have you ever read the entire book cover to cover? What a better way for anyone to start out the New Year resolution list with reading through the Bible. This past year …

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A White Christmas!

In Family Updates, Featured, Photo Galleries by David Waller3 Comments

Our Christmas was filled with lots of fun and celebration. Definitely our highlight was the time we spent with family. Driving up into the blistering cold North where the Waller Family Farm is located, we enjoyed five days of fun family fellowship in the cool weather. For Priscilla, this was her first White Christmas! What a brave girl she is. …

Christmas Day!!! ~ Gratefulness

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller1 Comment

You can be an incredibly grateful person, but no one will every know about it until you choose to express it. This can be done in so many words through our words, actions and attitudes. What better time to show gratefulness than after receiving a gift, a meal or a kind word from others. An active definition of gratefulness is …

Christmas Eve ~ Good Report

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller9 Comments

Praise is multiplied by the number of people who hear it. It is one thing to thank a person privately and tell how their character benefited our lives, but a whole different thing to tell about the character they demonstrated to their boss or a crowd of hundreds people. Give a Good Report to Others As of Thursday evening, the …

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3 Days til Christmas ~ Blessing

In Featured by David WallerLeave a Comment

The Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Each one of us have the power, as it were, to give venomous words that can poison the lives of so many people. However, we also have the ability to bless others with our words. Give a Verbal Blessing The Hebrew word used in the Bible for …

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4 Days til Christmas ~ Comfort

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller2 Comments

All of us probably know someone who could use some comfort during these difficult holiday times. After losing Isaac, we would often joke about some of the things people say at a funeral or memorial service. For example, they will often ask, “How are you doing?” or “How are you holding up?” or “I know what it feels like and …

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5 Days til Christmas ~ Serve

In Family Updates, Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller15 Comments

People love to be served. All of us have at one time or another been served by someone. The amazing thing about serving is that God rewards it greatly and actually makes it a prerequisite to greatness. Give the Gift of a Sacrificial Act of Service Serving others is a basis of any booming industry. When the focus turns to …

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6 Days til Christmas ~ Encouragement

In Featured by David Waller3 Comments

The word encouragement literally means to instill courage. Many people today find themselves in hopeless situations or surrounded by daunting tasks. They are tempted to give up until someone like you comes along and gives them what they need most–an encouraging word. Give a Word of Encouragement I remember clearly the day I was sitting at the piano and trying …