Off to Romania!!!

In Featured, Ministry Reports by David Waller3 Comments

On Monday, March 19th, Priscilla and I will depart for the nation of Romania to serve the Lord there for one month. We are excited about the opportunity to work with patients to resolves their stress by apply the truths of God’s Word to their daily lives. The door of opportunity is very great and we feel very inadequate in and of ourselves. However, we know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think. I had the opportunity to go to Romania in November. Learn more.

Please pray for us as we embark upon this opportunity, that God will be glorified and the investment that is made in the nation will bring a harvest of spiritual fruit.


  1. I pray that you arrived safely and were able to get some sleep on the way over.

    Will be praying for you both as you are away.

    Love to you both.

    Grandma Jensen

  2. Praying for you guys! May the Lord richly bless your labor in this field.

    –Phil.1:27; 3:7-14

  3. It was wonderful to see how you both are ministering in Romania. Romania has long been in my heart and I can not wait to go.

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