Our Christmas was filled with lots of fun and celebration. Definitely our highlight was the time we spent with family. Driving up into the blistering cold North where the Waller Family Farm is located, we enjoyed five days of fun family fellowship in the cool weather. For Priscilla, this was her first White Christmas! What a brave girl she is. She has been so faithful to walk every day rain or shine to keep herself in good shape for when the baby comes.
On Christmas Eve morning Priscilla encouraged me to come along with her on her usual walk. We did not check the temperature until we got back and found that it was around zero degrees out with a -20 degree wind chill. No wonder she had icicles forming on her eye brows. Thankfully we stayed warm enough through the entire three mile walk.
- We are ready for some serious fun!
- Rebecca and Priscilla
- Our First Christmas together was one filled with happiness and fun memories including visiting the pig pen.
- Adam and Matthew
- Hockey at a safe distance 🙂
- A new grill set for Christmas
- Lots of gifts!
- The grand feast
- One of the gifts was the game, Axis and Allies
- Aunt Vicki and Uncle Pete hosted the entire family including extended family for Christmas Eve.
- Mom and Dad Waller
- Aunt Jill and Uncle David
- Priscilla with Grandma Pat
- A free skate at the local ice arena allowed us to even bring in our own music! There were only a few others on the ice and we had a blast
- Lots of fun!
- Derrick owns a nice herd of cattle
- Derrick and Matthew have been running the family farm and doing a great job.
- Priscilla and Rebecca out in the cow pasture.
- Some of the best ice I have ever skated on!
- Coming around for a goal shot!
- The ice was well over a foot thick, but very clear and smooth as glass to skate on.
- Sarah had helped with the cookies of Aunt Vicki and so she was presented with the 1964 Cooky Book by Betty Crocker.
Hope you had a blessed time.
Did your friend Robert visit for sweat fellowship over the Christmas period?
Stevie M
Robert Staddon and I are good friends and we did have a chance to visit a little before Christmas. Check out where he and his wife Kendalyn are by visiting RobertlovesKendalyn.com
Priscilla. can not wait till your baby is here. what did you think of your first white christmas? Hope y’all had a good one. wow! even this KY girl transplanted to FL thinks that is way to cold out. LOL. Glad you stayed warm.