Daily Success
This free e-mail devotional takes you step-by-step through the commands of Christ. Jesus said, ” If ye love me, keep my commandments… He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him” (John 14:15, 21). This practical commentary on the commands of Christ will allow you to experience more of who Christ is as you keep His commands before your eyes.
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If there was one single factor for instilling in me the desire to do great things for God, I would have to point to heroes of the faith who were willing to know and stand for what they believe. |
Hudson Taylor
This two volume set has been a huge inspiration to me.I have read it through several times and each time I am inspired by the faith that caused this man to claim China for Christ.
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Eric Liddel
He was a celebrity, but at the height of Eric Liddel’s fame he announced that he was leaving athletics to return as a missionary to the land of his birth, China. This story of “God’s Athlete” makes for inspiring reading.
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Darlene Diabler Rose
Working among primitive tribespeople in the jungles of Indonesia, Darlene Diabler Rose is caught up in the ravages of World War II. Accused of being a spy and imprisoned by the Japanese, Darlene learns the cost of following Christ, no matter what.
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George Mueller
The story of a man who practiced true religion by caring for thousands of orphans and provided a living demonstration to the believers of his day that God is able to supply the needs of those who give generously to Him.
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D.L. Moody
How did God accomplish great things through an ordinary man who chose the strait way? This ordinary man’s dedication brought extraordinary results.
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Basic Seminar
The Basic Seminar taught by Bill Gothard addresses seven Biblical principles that apply to every person, regardless of culture, religion, age, education, or social status. It emphasizes the factors needed to develop and maintain healthy, growing relationships with God, family members, and friends.
Click here to view the first session. |
 The Pineapple Story
How did God use a pineapple garden and thieving natives to instruct a missionary in Biblical principles?
Click here to view the video.
Click here to view the CD set. |
Zodhiates Hebrew-Greek Study Bible
This beautiful Bonded Leather edition of the Bible includes extensive study aids. Priscilla and I both really appreciate using this!
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A Love That Multiplies
This second book from the Duggars gives us an up-close view of the new life stages of their growing family. Jim Bob and Michelle share how God has led them over the years.
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Tom Harmon Messages
The passion of Tom Harmon is unquestionable and he has quickly found himself to be the favorite preacher of many families. Priscilla and I have both really appreciated his example and multi-general vision.
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A Wedding Covenant
With the loss of oral tradition, much of the wedding ceremony’s meaning has been overlooked. What is the purpose of the white runner beneath the bride’s feet? Why do the bride and groom feed a piece of cake to each other? Why does the groom enter the sanctuary or auditorium first?
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Seven Courtship Secrets for a Successful Marriage
Simply put, courtship is dating with a purpose. One of the principles of courtship includes obtaining the father’s blessing to pursue a girls’ heart before stirring up her emotions. Priscilla and I are grateful for the biblical principles of courtship that we learned in this book.
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